À l’occasion de la venue de Roxana Maurizio, chercheuse en économie (CONICET – Instituto Interdisciplinario de Economía Política – Argentine), l’axe Action collective, Action publique du CREDA – dans le cadre du projet ECOS SUD | Les impacts de COVID19 sur le marché du travail et la pauvreté multidimensionnelle en Argentine – vous propose cette conférence dédiée à l’impact de la pandémie de COVID 19 sur le marché du travail. Rendez-vous lundi 20 février de 12h à 14h en salle 5.122.
Latin America was one of the regions that has been most strongly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The main aim of this paper is to assess the dynamics of family income inequality and its components since the onset of the pandemic in six Latin American countries -Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Peru and Uruguay-. The unequalizing impact of the worsening of the labour market during the contraction phase was mainly associated with the significant loss of informal, low-paid, jobs. This effect was partially offset by the equalizing role of cash transfers policies. An opposite impact of these income sources appears during the recovery phase, as most countries gradually reduced or stopped those transfers as employment and, therefore, labour incomes partially recovered. Two years into the COVID-19 pandemic inequality was higher than 2019 in almost all countries studied exacerbating existing high-income gaps in one of the world’s most unequal regions.
La séance est organisée par Vera Chiodi, maîtresse de conférences en économie et animée par Diana Cheung, chargée de cours en économie à l’IHEAL.